Here's an exercise that will allow you to experience the power of acknowledgment.

This process is about extracting from your mother a thought that has been weighing her down. A thought she isn't even aware of having, or how much it's sapping her strength and her aliveness.

You'll notice the difference in her aliveness, her energy when you complete the process.

It goes like this, "Mom can you sit down with me for about five minutes? I have a homework kind of assignment."

If she agrees then you ask:

"Mom, for what in your life would you like to be acknowledged?" 

She'll probably reply, "What, what the heck are you talking about?"

And you say, "It's a communication homework kind of thing." And repeat your question word for word.

"For what in your life would you like to be acknowledged?" Her stupid act will probably kick in and she'll ask, as though she doesn't know what the word acknowledge means, "What do you mean?" Don't buy her act. She's brilliant. Don't help her, merely ask the question again, "For what in your life would you like to be acknowledged? Just share whatever comes to mind." 

Keep asking this until she comes up with something like. "I'd like to be acknowledged for doing your laundry" or, " your meals." or "being a good person," or something like that.

And then you say, "Thank you. For what else in your life would you like to be acknowledged?"

If you do this with intention you will uncover some important things for which she has never ever in her life been acknowledged. She may start crying. If so, sit still. Don't say a word. She'll say something. And that might be the end of the process for the day.

If you give up and let her take control and stop the process, you'll keep her stuck for life. And, most importantly, you will be at effect of similar women for life. Given that most men consciously or unconsciously marry someone like their mother, this means that your wife will be able to wrest control from you (side track you) during important conversations having to do with acknowledgment.

If you do this communication process with fierce intention, to get at least a dozen replies from her, you will create a new exciting, supportive, relationship with your mother.

Then do the process with your father. Emphasize, "I need your help for a homework type assignment."

The truth is all adults are unacknowledged for thousands of things, both good deeds and bad. No one knows how great they are. For example: Few people know how really great you are. Most people have thousands of unacknowledged perpetrations, deceits, and withholds, floating around in their minds, occupying space, stuff for which they have never been acknowledged. They are so bound up from not being acknowledged it saps their aliveness and they don't even know it. For more about acknowledgment, and to do the process yourself, go here.

A person who is unacknowledged is not whole and complete. They can't be here now. They are stuck doing their imitation of communication. Virtually all adults you know are stuck doing their imitation of communication.

If you'd like to know more about acknowledgment go here. For even more, go here.

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