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Posting Instructions / Teen feels pressure to lose virginity
« on: February 24, 2018, 12:36:59 AM »
I am a 16-year-old girl in high school, and I'm having troubles with boys. There's a lot of pressure to have sex, and it's often overwhelming.

I've been seeing "Jason" for six months. I know he wants to lose his virginity to me, but I'm not sure I'm ready. I truly care about Jason and sometimes I think I should just get it over with. On the other hand, I was taught that my virginity is special, and that I should wait until I'm married.

I know Jason loves me, but I'm worried he might pressure me into something I don't want to do. I'm not stupid. If he were the type of guy who made me feel uncomfortable I wouldn't be with him. But I like Jason so much, I figure, if I'm going to lose my virginity eventually, it might as well be with him.

Can you give me some advice?—CONFUSED IN COLORADO

Posting Instructions / Feeling badly about telling on friend
« on: February 22, 2018, 04:09:57 PM »
I witnessed a theft and told a teacher, who promptly informed the cops. I feel terrible about it—like I’ve betrayed the friend who did it. What should I do? WONDERING IN FLORIDA

Posting Instructions / Waiting for guys to ask me out
« on: February 13, 2018, 04:25:39 PM »
I am a 16-year-old girl, raised to be old-fashioned.  I am very uncomfortable with how the rules of courtship have changed over the years. It used to be that guys pursued the girls. Now, the situation has reversed and girls have become the aggressors.

Most of the guys I know won't ask me out unless I make the first move and call them. They are so used to being chased that they think that if a girl doesn't do it [doesn't do the inviting], she's not interested.

How can I encourage a guy to ask me out without being the aggressor? OLD-FASHIONED GIRL IN INDIANA
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Posting Instructions / Mom walks in on teens having sex
« on: February 12, 2018, 12:39:11 PM »
Two weeks ago, I walked in on my 17-year-old daughter having sex with her boyfriend, "Justin." They will both be 18 in two months. They are good kids and plan on going to college together next year. I knew it would be pointless to lecture them, because as you so wisely said in your column a while back, once teens begin to have sex, it’s almost impossible to get them to stop.
I took my daughter to the gynecologist and had her put on birth control pills. I also discussed with her the importance of safe and responsible sex. My daughter was grateful that I was not judgmental or angry.

Here’s the problem. I frequently speak to Justin’s parents, and they have let me know they don’t want their son to become sexually active until he is married. I am convinced if they knew what was going on, they would demand that Justin stop seeing my daughter, or they might insist the two of them get married right away. Neither solution seems "sensible" to me.

Justin’s parents question me often about where the kids have been and what I think they might have been up to. I am having a very difficult time keeping my mouth shut. Should I tell his parents they are having sex? I would appreciate your input. UP AGAINST IT IN IOWA

Posting Instructions / Children upset by parents' fighting
« on: February 10, 2018, 10:55:34 AM »
I'm a 13-year-old boy, and I have a 5-year-old sister. Our parents are together, but Dad's job was relocated to another state and he's gone most of the week. When he gets home, all he and Mom do is fight.

The fighting puts a lot of stress on me. My sister asks me, "Why are Mommy and Daddy always fighting?" This makes me want to break into tears because I don't know what to tell her. Please help me understand what to do in these situations. —WORRIED BIG BROTHER

Posting Instructions / Mom can't stand 10-year-old daughter
« on: February 08, 2018, 11:15:03 AM »
I can't stand my 10-year-old daughter. I was an 18-year-old single mother when she was born. I find her ugly and annoying. Everyone tells me how "sweet" and "pretty" she is, but I can't see it. I dread when she comes home from school. I am not physically abusive to her—I would never do that. But I can be verbally abusive, and I know I need to stop. She just makes me so mad. I am now married with two more kids (boys), and I adore them. What's wrong with me? How can I fix this? I'm afraid it's too late. I have no spiritual adviser to talk to, and I can't afford to speak to a professional counselor. —ANONYMOUS IN WASHINGTON STATE

Posting Instructions / How do I handle naysayers?
« on: February 06, 2018, 05:08:04 PM »
I am 16 and very sad. I started my own advice column at school and receive tons of letters asking for help. The reason I did it is because I plan on becoming a psychologist when I'm an adult.

Every time I mention my column or my future plans, my family and friends laugh and thinks it's funny. A friend of my mother's told me that there's no way I could know at this point in my life what profession I want.

What should I do about people who have so little faith in me? Should I listen to them or try to brush off their remarks? Please help. —SAD GIRL ON THE EASTERN SEABOARD

Posting Instructions / In Mom's eye, girl can't do anything right
« on: February 06, 2018, 02:37:04 PM »
I'm a 14-year old girl. My problem is my mother and the nonstop fights we've been having lately. I'm trying hard to do all the right things—keep my grades up, maintain my friendships—and maybe find nice boyfriends. Through it all, I've tried to make Mom my No. 1 priority.

My father left us, and Mom has done everything for my brother, sister and me. Even when she only had had 20 bucks in her pocket, she still kept us in our house with food on the table. What's hardest for me right now is that I can't do what other kids my age can—or go where they go—because of lack of money.

I have been reading my Bible every day and praying for my family—even for my dad. But I can't seem to make Mom happy no matter how hard I try. She yells at me every time I turn around. I need some of your best advice. You can't imagine how great it would be for me to hear something positive from Mom for a change. Thanks for listening. —TROUBLE WITH MOTHER

Posting Instructions / Teen wants friend to stop smoking pot
« on: February 06, 2018, 02:34:00 PM »
My best friend, "Bette," is one of the nicest, smartest teens you'll ever meet. I enjoy her company, we get along great, and we have a lot in common. She's also my role model, since I'm two years younger than she is. (I skipped a couple of grades.)

Recently Bette has been smoking weed and encouraging me to try it. I'm very against smoking. I'm afraid Bette might be doing the wrong thing. She says it's OK because she does it only a little bit.

How can I persuade her to stop? Should I even try? Will I be ruining a great friendship? —NEEDS HELP IN GEORGIA

Posting Instructions / Secret about girlfriend's incest
« on: February 06, 2018, 02:32:11 PM »
My friend, "Zoe," and I are both 16. We met this past year. On one of our first nights hanging out together outside of school, Zoe confessed that she had been severely sexually abused by her father from the time she was 4 until she was 13. She said she finally told her mom and it was "all worked out." I told Zoe I'd be there for her if she needed to talk. Recently, she confessed that when she said it was over, it really wasn't, but she swears it is now. Her mom isn't divorcing her dad or calling the police or anything. Furthermore, Zoe has a brother who is a few years older and leads a messed-up life. She thinks he was abused, too, but she isn't sure. Annie, I don't know what to do. Zoe made me promise not to tell anyone, but I feel my priority as a friend is to do what is best for her well-being. Unfortunately, I don't know what that is. If I tell the police, I'm not sure she will admit the abuse, in an effort to protect her father. But if I don't say anything he is likely to keep abusing her. Please help. —Concerned in California   

Posting Instructions / Visit to grandparents bores teenagers
« on: February 06, 2018, 02:30:19 PM »
Our parents make my sister and me go with them to visit our grandparents one Saturday a month. They live two hours away. We don't like having to waste our Saturday this way. My sister and I are 15 and 16, and we're old enough to stay home alone. When we are there, all we do is sit there bored while our parents and grandparents talk.

Our grandparents show no interest in us, even though they tell our parents how much they "love" seeing us. Our parents say our grandparents are not in good health and may not be around much longer, so one Saturday a month isn't too much to ask.

The other day Mom overheard us in our room talking about how much we hate having to go over there, and she was furious. She said we were selfish and care about no one but ourselves, and she had better not hear that kind of talk again.
Please tell us what you think. —BORED TO DEATH IN SAN FRANCISCO

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