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xx King Kamehameha's statue--inappropriate?
September 15, 2020, 07:42:20 AM by Kerry
Should the statue of King Kamehameha (Hilo, Hawaii) be added to the list of the nation's inappropriate statues, statues that no longer represent our values?

King Kamehameha, a famous warrior, and leader, "united" the islands, however, the King, like Hitler, did it by invading long-established (self-ruling) communities on the outer islands, killing many of his own relatives and ancestors, ostensibly in the name of "uniting."

Interestingly, unlike in present-day Poland with its hundreds of war memorials honoring those who Hitler killed, there are no memorials listing (honoring) the names of Hawaiian families (fathers, mothers, children) killed during Kamehameha's invasions. The land and possessions seized have yet to be returned/compensated for.

Any communication mastery curriculum requires that we have mutually satisfying conversations about these topics. Presently, these conversations trigger upsets, arguments, and anger. Such conversations will address a culture's addiction to irresponsible blaming; the majority of ethnic Hawaiians are still stuck with their angry blaming narrative of, "They did it to us." Some locals can't look at a Caucasian without it triggering upset and resentment.

With coaching, it's possible to set a date by which all Hawaiian Home Land properties will have been assigned.

With coaching it's possible to disappear the Mauna Kea observatory frictions.

Without coaching such frictions will continue for years. Why? Because over a period of 44+ years I've yet to receive a call from a Hawaiian activist asking for support with projects such as Mauna Kea or the Hawaiian Home Land issue. Hawaiians use their way of communicating/relating when they interact with haoles. It's the same way of relating they used when they were "defending" their islands from Westerners, when studying in school, or when they try to inspire their overweight relatives to eat healthily.  They have been more interested in blaming, being right, and making haoles wrong, than in winning.

This orphan has lived here 44+ years. I love the islands and its people.

Last edited 2/5/24

xx Next step in law enforcement?
August 25, 2020, 06:25:26 AM by Kerry
The next step in law enforcement—mandatory leadership training.*

The communication model, the way we have been communicating with each other, what we've learned about communication from our parents, teachers, leaders, and clergy, produces results that cause, (yes cause) 25% of the nation's freshman college applicants to require remedial composition and comprehension courses to learn what their K-12 "teachers" failed to communicate. For decades this same communication model (appropriately referred to as the Adversarial Communication Model) has been producing 42%+ recidivism, the wage and wealth disparity and the Me2 movement.

That is to say, a significant percentage of the populace still have difficulties with, "some assembly required," computing the best cost of grocery items or miles per gallon. Still, no high school, university, college or military academy, offers or requires Leadership Training.   What is offered is "Intro to ...", "About ...", "Advanced ...", "Continuing ...", "Practical ..." courses, classes, studies, seminars and communication workshops. None offer Training. These "Intro to ..." and "About ..." curriculums teach eventual parents to teach their children to deceive—evidenced by the fact that the majority of teens con each other into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have sex. A "Training" includes being guided to experience the correlation between personal integrity and outcomes and "getting" (recreating) and responsibly communicating anger.

School Teachers and Police Academy Integrity-Course Instructors alike—espouse open and honest communication yet all know of at least one peer who is perpetrating departmental infractions. These "good," often awarded, "leaders" non-verbally vote for 24-more-hours of the same. None have completed a Leadership Training Program.

Note: Police Department Members always mirror the integrity of their leaders (the Superintendent, the Chief and the Commissioners); it's a given, a person of integrity would not remain in an organization that doesn't value and act upon his/her support. Of interest: A police officer who is dragging around unacknowledged perpetrations into each present-day interaction (deceits/thefts/abuses) will cause their family-child to mirror them. With children it begins with misbehaving/pouting, leading to getting sick, to failing, eventually to bringing in the authorities (teachers/therapists/police).

Here on the Big Isle many of us know of an officer who used to grow marijuana. It's not that he/she lied during his job application process, it's that the Police Chief was/is not the space that inspires integrity. A person of integrity can experience another's out-integrity.

The vast majority of meetings that take place daily throughout the nation do not start on time with everyone seated; this reveals that such meetings are being facilitated by someone stuck somewhere in-the-process-of-becoming-a-leader. Premise: A "leader" inspires responsibility. Tardy members are communicating that their integrity is out, that they are not being supervised correctly; they have no choice other than to thwart the facilitator. 
* Proposed Leadership Training Program for university students: One three-hour session every other week, every semester, all four years. Peers graduate each other (communicating, "Yes, I'd trust my child with this teacher.")

Last edited 3/14/24
xx Open letter to undocumented immigrants
July 26, 2020, 01:42:18 AM by Kerry
It's unfortunate that you have entered our country illegally. It's even worse if you have conned a Mexican-American friend/relative into supporting you in your illegal activity.* It's most likely you have compounded the consequences by conning an American (who knows your immigrant status) into hiring you illegally; they reward your unethicalness for which there are undesirable consequences for all concerned. This is referred to as covert sabotage.

Here are a few thoughts:

The following is for those who know that there are negative consequences for lying and deceiving.

Imagine how unethical a business person must be to encourage law breakers to enter our country. And you expect such an employer to treat you fairly and responsibly? "H'm let's see, I want a company that produces happiness and prosperity for my employees. I know I'll hire unethical people addicted to conning and blaming, who for reasons, believe it's OK to deceive another if the reasons are good enough." Employers who hire "illegals" are thwarting the goals of their country--not very patriotic.

It doesn't make sense to encourage people who are failing in life, who cause and then put up with neighborhood bullying, to come to America, people whose leadership communication skills are such that they can't make their own community work well for all concerned.

Throughout the world law enforcement personnel mirror the integrity of its community members. Why on earth would we want someone who can't/won't make it work where they live, someone who blames others for the condition of their community?

One is either in-integrity or they have their reasons. All lies, all deceptions, are reasonable.

An ethical President would fine/imprison anyone who hires an illegal. The President should grant immunity to all illegal immigrants. The reason? Americans unethically enticed them with illegal jobs.

If you can con another into supporting your unethicalness then you are thwarting the success of that person/country, knowing full well the karma for all concerned of such behavior.

An illegal immigrant working for an American company is thwarting the success of the owner, the company, the legal employees and America, knowing full well the combined out-integrities are producing undesirable consequences.

Confession may feel good however it needs also to be communicated to the people whom you have wronged, deceived.
  • I'm sorry I lied and deceived others to sneak into America. Yes/No?
  • I know I lied and deceived everyone and, I'm going to keep doing it. Yes/No?
  • As an illegal I know I am non-verbally teaching my children to lie and deceive if the reason is good enough. Yes/No?
If you are picking up vibrations of disrespect from Americans please allow that it's not all racism; much of it has to do with our dislike of sneaky unethical blaming cons. 

Here are a few questions I would ask of someone complaining about the terror in their community, someone wanting to come to the relative safety of the United States, where, generation after generation, we have done what it takes to bring about law and order:

1. What have you personally done to support law and order in your community?
2. How many meetings have you attended to address the problem you're running from?
3. What organization did you start/join to address the problem?
4. What are the names of the neighbors you've been meeting with to address the problem?
5. What is it about your leadership-communications skills that have contributed to the unlawful condition in your community?
6. What was the incident (day, date, time) that you now know you should have done or said something?
7. Why would we allow entry to someone who has not demonstrated the ability to relate harmoniously?
8. Is it possible that what's going on around you in your community mirrors your personal integrity,** that it's a result of your leadership-relationship communication-skills, how you communicate, your belief system, your code of ethics--have you not, since childhood, always held the option of lying, sneaking and deceiving if things get bad?
9. Have you discussed with your parents what they did or did not do to cause this situation?
10. What's the biggie, the perpetration you have hidden, even from your Priest, before you even came to the U.S.? What should the consequences be for such deceit?

In most communities, there is the "Hawk," the one who warns and begs for action and weapons to fight with and, the peace-nic couch-potatoes who non-verbally thwart the Hawk. World-wide, such communities are led by women who non-verbally vote for men to fight each other and when it looks like the men are losing, take the children and emigrate. Note: Most all Israeli women have served in the military and can handle weapons as well as men.

I think we should welcome immigrants when all governors throughout the United States have reported "No homeless or unfed citizens for six-months in a row and unemployment is steady at 5%." 

* No doubt, as an American citizen, you have ignored what will happen if your illegal friend gets deported, and you get convicted for aiding; if so, you'll be left with your reasons and hollow, "I'm sorrys."

** The assumption being, you know there are undesirable consequences for lying and deceiving; perhaps you don't want to acknowledge that the deceits you've perpetrated on others throughout childhood have not affected you and all with whom you relate. For certain you have a misunderstanding of the word responsible --evidenced by your blaming narrative of, "Those bad cartel guys are running my life."

Early Americans would have left for another country had they not had the courage to fight the overwhelming English military who were 1000 times as powerful as all cartels.

Thought exercise:

Man #1 is an honest man. He and his wife tell the truth to each other, no withholds, no secrets; he keeps his word. He would never think of using house expenses to buy alcohol. He has never hit his wife or children. He and his wife attend most community meetings.

Man #2 is a "good" man but deceptively hides one or two thoughts from his wife; he is not honest with many people in the community. He often spends food money on drugs, watches TV every evening, and occasionally hits his wife.
Which man is most likely to attract neighborhood bullies?
Which man doesn't deserve to have life work as desired?
Which spouse had the most positive influence on the family and neighborhood?

Last edited 3/12/24
xx Police, blaming, responsibility
June 03, 2020, 05:12:11 AM by Kerry
I'm hearing and reading lots of blaming communications, specifically, the Me Too'ers and those involving police abuse.

  • A police department perfectly mirrors the integrity of its community.
  • Family and friends of those who have been abused/killed by a police officer are perpetrating one or more deceptions upon one or more people/organizations; all, YES ALL these enablers have submitted one or more inaccuracies (including purposeful omissions) on one or more forms (job applications, tax forms, licensing applications, health insurance forms). All these people, some ignorantly (unconsciously) other's arrogantly (consciously) deny the consequences of such deceits (for themselves and all with whom they relate).
  • Someone who knew a police "victim" intuited (silently predicted) such an outcome and remained silent. I.e. "It was just a matter of time."
  • Every parent of a "victim" can (when asked) recall the fork-in-the-road incident, the communication, the interaction, after which there were fewer if any, daily warm hugs; that incident, that incomplete, became the source of the behavior that produced the outcome. Each parent knows that it was their leadership-communication skills (alone) that produced the result.
  • Arrogance always begs to be humbled.
  • Most every member of a police department (including the spouses) know of one or more in their department who is perpetrating one or more departmental/civic violations; these enablers also, non-verbally, condone infidelity (there are zero exceptions to this phenomenon).
  • Every spouse of a police officer knows (with absolute certainty) whether his/her spouse needs therapy, whether their spouse is dragging unresolved anger into each interaction throughout the day; they know that their spouse is addicted to knee-jerk fits of anger and blame and to communicating abusively. Such a spouse submits the community to this abuse (for another 24-hours), the spouse unaware of the various far-reaching consequences of his/her thwarting skills.
  • All high school principals grant diplomas to students whom they know can't compute their car's miles per gallon or present a list of the expected costs for raising a child through age 18.
  • For several decades, nationwide, 25% of all university freshmen have been required to take (to pay for) remedial composition and comprehension courses to learn what their K-12 teachers failed to teach.
  • All teachers who receive awards know of one or more fellow teachers whom they know to be ineffective; these "outstanding" teachers non-verbally submit the school's students to another 24-hours of incompetency.

Last edited 1/6/24[/size][/size]
xx COVID-19, immune system, integrity?
April 07, 2020, 05:20:52 AM by Kerry
The following is a reply to an article in The Blast*; it's only of value if you are willing to communicate about your outcomes, specifically, health issues responsibly, from cause.  Note: The majority of us are addicted to irresponsible blaming and to withholding.

Here's some thoughts about The Blast's article, "PTSD: TREAT THE EPIDEMIC IN OUR RANKS."*

From a communication-skills coach's point of view a problem persists because it's not being defined accurately, the truth disappears a problem; disappearing a mental/health problem requires that both the patient and the health-care professional use, and operate from, the same definition of the word responsibility.

I.e. Did you know that if you were to ask all the world's "leaders" (employees***parents, teachers, judges, politicians, and military) to write down the definition of the word responsibility you'd get as many home-grown definitions as there are leaders? Responsibility is not taught to clarity in our schools or our leadership academies (see elaborations — "military academy").

Three typical definitions of responsibility:

    1. Blaming denial:  "I'm not responsible." "It just happened."  "I wouldn't have to yell, and get so mad if you didn't . . ." "I didn't say anything, he just hit me." "They always...", "They never..." "Those $#%^&* @$@%'s."

    2. 50-50:  "I'll accept 50% responsibility for . . . ", "I'll accept my part . . ." (with the implied, ". . . if you admit your part first.")

    3. 100%:  "Although I can't see it right now I am willing to communicate about the incident from the point of view, that I, using my verbal, non-verbal, physical, and psychic leadership-communication skills (apparently unconsciously) caused (intended) the result."**


1) Understanding responsibility is as far from knowing as is not-knowing. —as evidenced with the ineffectual blaming communications of the "Me too" movement; most of us have unconsciously non-verbally supported their blaming. Blaming doesn't complete an incident nor is it mutually satisfying.

2) Just because one doesn't know how they produced a result doesn't mean they didn't produce it.

3) Vets who have elicited a "diagnoses" of PTSD are withholding one or more significant thoughts from someone of significance.*** "With 40+ years facilitating thousands of 3-hr-clearing sessions I have not found any exceptions to this phenomenon." --Kerry.

4) One's belief as to the source of their PTSD causes "it" to persist; a belief shuts down the mind to possibilities.

5) One can't complete something they aren't willing to have caused (intended)—such as an "accident" or marital infidelity. I.e. "My personal integrity had absolutely nothing to do with the incident." "She left me." "He cheated on me." "The bomb went off." -- all blame statements.

6) Talking causes a problem to persist whereas communication disappears a problem. A failing/misbehaving teen (with an "attitude") is communicating that they are not in-communication with anyone—that all concerned (parents, teachers, social workers, clergy) have become stuck doing their imitation of communication with each other and the teen. All parents of "school shooters" believed they were in-communication with their teen, none were aware of the fork-in-the-road incident that shut down loving supportive communication between them.

7) It's virtually impossible to "cure" PTSD when the payoff is continued "disability" payments. Typically, the health-care professional and the patient are not aligned with a step-by-step agreed-upon measurable, observable, outcome; both have become stuck doing their imitation of communication.

8) A pilot who survives a crash in which others died wonders, for life, if the "accident" was a consequence of his/her mind being partially preoccupied with their marital infidelity or of having one or more "purposeful errors/sneaky omissions" on some application/insurance/tax form. The curriculum for communication mastery addresses personal integrity as a communication variable; "accidents," misunderstandings, thwartings, and broken time-agreements are considered to be integrity wake-up calls.

9) One way to address and complete your addictions (life's unacknowledged perpetrations, lies, thefts, abuses, deceptions, arrogance, self-righteousness) is to give a communication-skills coach permission to mirror you; such addictions always have a childhood fork-in-the-road incident, that began, and anchored, the behavior.
Here's another fork in the road: Ask your partner if they think a session with a leadership-relationship communication-skills coach might enhance the relationship. In a loving supportive relationship, the answer is always "yes," however, it's unlikely, that you, using your present leadership-communication skills could have them accept your invitation.

The curriculum for inter/intra-personal communication mastery (the ability to consistently manifest one's stated intentions) begins with creating/restoring-recreating ones integrity—via journaling or a clearing process such as, The [free] Clearing Process for Professionals—the process supports one in restoring/maintaining his/her integrity—it acknowledges the correlation between personal integrity and outcomes.

* Re: "A much more potent initiator of PTSD is when [sic] a person is responsible, or feels responsible, for the ... incident. —Col Mulvaney"

Myself, as a coach, I've yet to come across someone who was not willing to communicate responsibly their cause for an outcome; when one denies responsibility for an outcome it becomes an integrity issue, it begins to affect one's mental and physical health. Most always the source of an incident is an unconscious agenda to support completion of an incomplete (specifically, an out-integrity). —Kerry

** When all concerned communicate responsibly (from cause) it virtually eliminates arguing, blaming, and excuses.

*** It's not that one's infidelity, or an unacknowledged childhood lie, or a purposeful error/omission on their insurance, tax, or loan application form, causes an injury/accident, it's that a leader/healer knows to begin a counseling, completion-clearing session with, "What thoughts come to mind if this incident is/was about you paying yourself back for . . .?"  Note: The asker must operate from impeccable integrity, else, as Col Mulvaney discovered, "They most always lied." That the Col had to instruct them, "This time fill it out honestly," speaks volumes about the Adversarial Communication Model (taught and used by all teachers and of course the NSW community). Eventually, Team Leaders will conduct integrity clearings during mission briefings. I.e. "Anyone got something that might affect the success of the mission?"


One can't be certain as to the source of a problem until they acknowledge all possibilities, including the consequences/karma for an unacknowledged perpetration or an unacknowledged good deed. Most people ignorantly and arrogantly try to achieve and sustain the experience of love, health, and prosperity without acknowledging and cleaning up life's perpetrations.

Note 1: The majority of teachers, counselors, and therapists have taken only the required speech-communication courses, a mere fraction of what's known about inter/intra-personal communication; like all graduates they must then practice on others to master communication. Rarely does a clergy member (or a therapist) ask a coach for support with someone not responding favorably to counseling—as such, few inspire fidelity; most all leaders en route to mastery are withholding one or more significant thoughts from someone of significance—deception as an addiction has not been addressed nor completed. Employees have no choice other than to mirror the integrity of their leader; so too do our leaders mirror the integrity of, say, the country.

Note 2: Dr. Carrie Elk, The Elk Institute for Psychological Health and Performance, <] > states, "most traumas can be completed in one to five sessions."   Counselors and coaches know that what a person states to be their problem is never ever the problem—it doesn't address the source of the problem. A vet becomes programmed to describing what "happened" but not what was going on in his/her mind seconds, minutes, hours, days prior to the incident, the intention (albeit an unconscious one) that created space for, that manifested, the result.

Note 3: It doesn't matter whether any of the above is true or not, what matters is that we openly engage in such conversations.

Consider sharing the Communication-Skills Tutorial for Veterans < > with the community—it's free and it works.
With aloha,


Kerrith H. (Kerry) King
UDT-21, Class 20 (E)
Unofficial UDT-SEAL Obituary Records Manager

P.S. I'm forever grateful to my BUD/S Instructors for teaching me the art of button-pushing and, with problem-solving, to think outside the box. It ain't easy being green.

Feel free to use, quote, publish, or ignore.

* "The Blast" UDT-SEAL Association quarterly publication


A sloth walks into a bar and orders a  beer.
The bar tender says, "You better hurry. We close in 5 hours."
xx The effects of thwarting another.
February 11, 2020, 05:14:15 AM by Kerry
During the 70's Werner Erhard (est Training, The Forum) put together a world-class Formula One racing team. Three cars with trailer truck-vans for each car, a hand-picked team of mechanics with state-of-the-art tools, and, a team of videographers to record everything 24/7. We're talking big bucks--all donated by est Graduates.

Werner wanted to record and share the process of how one goes from "not knowing" to mastery. The project was titled, "Breakthrough Racing ..."   Of significance is the fact that prior to the project Werner reportedly hadn't driven a car for six-years and didn't have a driver's license. He had been getting around using taxis and friends.

Spoiler alert, Werner won six out of twelve races.

This post is about something Werner shared during regular briefings with the donors.

I paraphrase:
    First, I had to develop muscles I didn't have just to steer the damn thing. Unlike a passenger car one's arms are fully extended; the word steering isn't accurate, the car veers by intention.

    In the beginning, I lost a few races. What I noticed was that whenever someone would approach my rear, positioning themself to pass me, I spent energy and effort trying to thwart him, weaving back and forth, to block his path. I lost races until I focused solely on going forward. I had gone off-purpose; instead of keeping my mind on going forward I had diluted my energies by thwarting another, an addiction left over from childhood no doubt!
BTW: Like Werner, I and most graduates have gone off-purpose when it comes to bringing others along with us; hell, we've been intending President Trump. "It ain't easy being green!"

Something happened and the film was not made public.

Last edited 3/12/24[/size]
xx Priests, Nuns, "good" Germans, awarded-teachers, leadership-communication skills
December 05, 2019, 03:39:29 AM by Kerry
Priests, Nuns, "good Germans," "awarded-teachers," and leadership-communication skills.

Here's an off-the-wall, possibly upsetting, topic:

To this very day--

--most Nuns say they didn't know that Priests were seducing boys. Imagine how unconscious one must be to not notice the confusion, guilt, shame, and fear on a boy's face?

--during interviews most "good" Germans still say they didn't know what was going on in their estimated 1,000+ concentration camps.

--most of us "good" Americans sleep nights pretending to not know that 1000+ children were separated from a parent at the Mexican border, and as of 3/12/24, it's now difficult to find out how many children are still separated.

--most "good" teachers, (especially the ones awarded "best" teacher), using their leadership-communication skills, non-verbally submit students to a fellow teacher known to be ineffective, to teach for another 24-hours. A school with just one leader has no ineffective teachers.

The above suggests that most "good" people are both unconscious and ineffective when it comes to inspiring others to be open and honest. My experience has been that "good," "nice," "polite" people can't be trusted to tell the truth, to communicate spontaneously; they withhold their judgments, they communicate their judgments non-verbally, thereby causing more of the same.

If the above triggered upset or anger then you, the reader, are an enabler, you are withholding one or more significant* thoughts from someone of significance and, you are causing someone of significance to withhold an equal number of significant thoughts from you. With 44+ years of 3-hour consultations I have not found any exceptions to this entanglement phenomenon. --Kerry

* "significant" A thought that if verbalized would cause upset, or anger. The word "verbalized" is a reminder that all withholds are being communicated non-verbally. The other doesn't know what's in the space only, that something (the experience of joyous love that comes from being in open and honest communication) is missing.

Last edited 4/27/24
xx Biden calling the kettle black
December 02, 2019, 05:19:17 AM by Kerry
12/2/19 Presidential candidate Joe Biden said he named his campaign bus No Malarkey, ". . . because, the other guy is all lies."

Joe reveals that he's as unconscious as President Trump. It's not that he resorted to badmouthing and that he lied with his use of the word "all," but that he wasn't conscious enough to hear his lie and immediately correct himself.* I.e. ". . . lies frequently, or lies a lot."

What's worse, it appears that no reporters or supporters have pointed out that specific lie and, apparently no enlightened campaign volunteer heard or pointed it out to him (at least not effectively enough to prompt Joe to publicly acknowledge his lie).

Joe is stuck in ignorance and arrogance; apparently, he has no sense that there are millions of conscious, relatively enlightened (woke) voters who can hear his lies.** When they don't hear him correcting himself when they see that he ignores their feedback, they simply look elsewhere for a candidate.  His integrity is such that he can't bring himself to engage the services of an effective no-nonsense coach. His present advisers referred to as enablers, are responsible for the results he's producing. A weekend-long communication-skills workshop would effect an observable transformation.

Also, Joe has not completed the reported inappropriate touching incidents. He has explained, justified, and denied lecherous intent, yet the results he produced with his leadership-communication skills, the feedback he elicited from others, speak otherwise. He invalidated the experience of several, including a few "Me-Too" women who stepped forward. His non-verbal communications, "You're wrong! No matter what you felt, I didn't mean to offend you or make you feel uncomfortable. You misunderstood (blame) me. I'm just a friendly guy." The test for inappropriateness is to ask the recipient, "Was that comfortable/uncomfortable?" Joe is unconscious so he can't experience the uncomfortableness of his groped victims. I'm noticing the onset and worsening of memory problems.

It could be said that Joe's history of frequent slips of the tongue, his obvious lies, and errors, is due in part to the lies (the unconscious slips of the tongue) he's told, the ones he has not verbally acknowledged as errors or lies. Joe's mind is clouded with life's unacknowledged perpetrations; these incompletes get in the way of clear thinking and speaking. I find myself listening for his next faux pas.
* A relatively conscious person, one who operates with integrity, immediately hears themselves lie. Because they lie so infrequently, a single lie bothers them. Most people, such as Trump and Biden, lie so frequently that they usually can't hear themselves lie; they have so many lies occupying their minds (a life-time of successes) that one more lie doesn't appear to bother them.

Trump's addictions to blaming and lying have produced bankruptcies. Because he has yet to accept responsibility, because he has yet to restore his "victims" to wholeness (to pay what he originally agreed to pay), he must set up life to do it again. Now he's using the mind that created prior bankruptcies to solve the country's problems. His integrity is such that he won't be able to sustain winning; like everyone addicted to lying and deceptions, he must crash and burn. His mind just isn't programmed to make sure everyone wins, he has mastered the Adversarial Communication Model. Note: Those addicted to deceit, to lying, set life up so that they crash and burn, often taking others down with them—usually in the form of a health issue, an accident, a divorce, a child or relative failing or even dying—something to wake them up, to give them an opportunity to complete their incompletes, to begin living life from integrity.

** Over two hundred thousand est Graduates (Werner Erhard Seminars Training, The Forum), and most everyone they've been relating with these past decades, can hear the lies. Most est grads have an ear for irresponsible blaming.

P.S. I sent this post to Joe. I sent similar feedback to then-candidate Hillary Clinton; my sense is that Hillary's supporters judged the feedback to be worthless and did not forward it for her to read. She lost the election. As an 82-yr-old leadership-relationship communication-skills coach; I predict with considerable certainty that Joe will lose unless he gets coaching.

P.P.S. Like the wife of a Mafia boss who is equally responsible for all the hurt and pain they together created in their community, so too are Joe and President Trump's wives responsible for supporting (enabling) their husband's lies.  I.e. Jill Biden: "Joe, it didn't feel good to hear you trash-talk President Trump, worse to hear you lie and not clean it up; please do so. I won't support you if we can't win without resorting to badmouthing."
Last edited 3/24/24

xx Leadership, Integrity, Werner Erhard, results.
October 25, 2019, 03:23:53 AM by Kerry
Werner Erhard, the teacher -- millions, like myself, love, admire and respect him.

Werner's trainings, workshops, seminars, and (The Forum) continue to positively affect millions. Even decades later most "graduates" of Werner's events, those who are in responsible communication with at least one other person, still say that life keeps getting better; as promised, "...unwanted situations clear up just in the process of living."  Most grads would agree that the "est Training" worked for their personal relationships and for some, their small businesses. What's also true is that we grads are causing (unconsciously intending) more of the same at our military academies and throughout the education system. Many grads search for the wisdom behind "intending" Trump.

During the past few years, Werner has been delivering educational experiences through Harvard's School of Business and elsewhere throughout the nation and world (including many Fortune 500 companies). He has been addressing the subjects of integrity and leadership.

I post because I'm not seeing that Werner is having similar positive (est-like) effects throughout the education, business, or political world. Even more disconcerting, we est graduates have consciously/unconsciously intended President Trump (Gift of Trump--a mirror).

Given that verbal and non-verbal communications are equally powerful, as are conscious and unconscious intentions, it could be said that we "est grads," as couch potatoes, rule the world, intending what's so to be so. 

Is it time for us grads to come out of the closet? Perhaps a televised series: Recreating "It" ---such a TV series would attract a record number of viewers.

Each of the following requires an entirely different set of communication skills, each a different curriculum.

Transformation of self as self
Transformation of self as relationship
Transformation of self as community
Transformation of self as society/world

Some examples:
  • Most every "teacher," if he/she only had 5 students, could cause all 5 to pass a college entrance exam; however, the leadership-communication skills it takes to cause 25 students to learn is vastly different. Leadership Training (similar in quality to the est Trainer's Training) is not offered in any university, college, or military academy. Note: For the past several decades 25% of the nation's college applicants have required remedial comprehension or composition courses to learn what their K-12 teachers failed to communicate.
  • The recent rash of blaming rhetoric of the "Me too" movement is slowly giving rise to the "Me2/I" point of view (stories told responsibly, minus one's addiction to blaming, to being a victim) from the I caused point of view.
  • Intending that the world works does work, just slowly, with lots of detours and upsets.
I believe most est grads have become stuck; the majority are dragging around verbally unacknowledged perpetrations accumulated since their last clearing/acknowledgment process; they/we are producing the same results with our communities and the world as we used to in our personal relationships. What we do know, as Pogo says, "It ain't dem."

With aloha, Kerry

Last edited 2/12/24

Quote of the day: "God must love narcissists because She/He/It made so many of us." --Kerry
xx The Gift of Trump--a mirror
October 05, 2019, 04:59:41 AM by Kerry
The Gift of Trump--a mirror

As a communicologist, a Leadership-Relationship Communication-Skills Coach, it's disconcerting and uncomfortable to be continually reminded that President Trump mirrors my integrity, my addiction to blaming, to being incomplete, to not doing complete work. Of course, I immediately want to add, and, he mirrors your integrity and everyone else's world-wide. However, the uncomfortable truth is that I (albeit unconsciously) have been intending for Trump to communicate exactly as he has been. I find that intending what's so to-be-so is more healthy, it virtually eliminates the karma of blaming.

I assume the above is true for almost everyone--especially those who like myself are addicted to irresponsible blaming and badmouthing. I.e.  "That jerk!" "They always ..." "He lies all the time." Obviously, the karma for non-verbal, extremely effective, blaming is what's "happening" in the world today.

Like yourself, it hasn't gotten bad enough for me to lead responsibly; instead, I  lead non-verbally from the position of a blog-posting-couch-potato and take whatever results I get.  I haven't been willing to do what it would take to effect a mutually satisfying conversation with any elected representative, let alone The President. Like yourself, I've left it up to others to run the important things.

It's going to be interesting to see if we'll be able to tell at what moment in time it will be too late. It's a question that most "good" Germans still can't answer accurately. Myself, I won't be able to say, "I didn't know it was that bad." We do know that we can cause President Trump to blame us; after all, it's our/my present leadership-communication skills that empower him.

Like Diogenes, we're all looking outside for "an honest man" to vote for, we keep forgetting that others always perfectly mirror our integrity.  I.e. Rare is a Police Chief who inspires relationship fidelity within his/her department, or even consistently accurate, on time, daily reports.   

BTW: What turns badmouthing* into positive support is to follow up criticism with one or more solutions such as--to intend leadership training nationwide.

Three considerations:
1) Beginning with my B.A. and M.A. degrees in Speech-Communication I've experienced that Speech-Communication Professors have been using the Adversarial Communication Model** to teach education majors to communicate subject matter; this communication model, this way of interacting/relating, keeps producing more of the same us/them results. However, it's not Trump's, or even our, fault. We emulate the ground of being of our teachers during our violent arguments with loved ones. If truth be told we are no more accurate or honest with each other than Trump is in his tweets. Most everyone is hiding one or more significant thoughts from someone of significance, oblivious of the karma of such deceit.

2) Twenty-five percent of all college applicants nationwide require remedial comprehension or composition courses to learn what their K-12 "teachers" failed to communicate. Obviously, remedial courses generate more revenue. Adding Leadership Training would result in far fewer graduates for the first few years, however, those that graduated would be teachers who could be trusted to communicate subject matter (no reasons no excuses). 

3) I'm unaware of any high-school, college, university, seminary, or military academy*** that require graduates to have completed a Leadership Training Program (one three-hour session each week, each semester, for all four years). What is offered are communication classes, courses, seminars, honor courses, private studies and groups, and workshops--which keep producing education majors who are afraid to communicate as they know-how. Included in leadership training is the direct personal experience of the effects of deceits on outcomes and a commitment to communicating openly, honestly, and spontaneously--zero significant thoughts withheld. A Leadership Training Program automatically includes follow-up 3-hr Support Group Meetings every other week throughout each school year--for life. Without constant positive support one slowly becomes more and more out-integrity, affecting all outcomes. The word "positive" reminds us that most people are unaware that they support mediocrity.

* "badmouthing" --any blaming conversation with another about a problem after which things remain the same. Badmouthing is an unconscious intention for things to slowly worsen; it reveals one's addiction to thwarting and to abusive blaming. Verbal and non-verbal badmouthing abusively saps energy from those who unconsciously intend it.

** The Adversarial Communication Model supports and enables withholding, irresponsible blaming, badmouthing, and verbal abuse. There is a leadership-relationship communication model (a way of relating and interacting) that works for all concerned--however, it can't be taught in a school system in which the principal does not have complete hiring and/or reassigning authority overall students and staff.

*** Military Academy Scandals

Last edited 2/12/24
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