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xx Chinese knock-offs on Amazon
December 07, 2022, 11:32:26 PM by Kerry
Chinese knock-offs on Amazon

Most of us have read about China stealing military secrets or reverse engineering many of our products. We do the same with other's military equipment. However, we have copyright and patent infringement laws for consumer products that other countries don't; or, they have such laws but they aren't strictly enforced.

What I'm noticing on Amazon are the offerings of dozens of rip-offs of products "Made in China." Fellow Chinese merchants are ripping off each other. If you search for cameras or earbuds you'll notice several brands that look to be the same, each with the name of a different Chinese company.

Three times when I couldn't get something to work I ordered another near identical one (different brand). When it arrived it was constructed with the exact same materials, etc. In other words, some Chinese merchants steal from each other.

I don't have a solution. The ideal is to buy from the company that originally made the product. I'm thinking the increasing costs of shipping and for returns will demand that Amazon screen all products for us as does Walmart.

I don't see how Jeff Bezo's (Amazon) business model can last; it's so not green. The ever-increasing costs of fuel for mailing/returning products generate even more greenhouse gases. Jeff uses millions of gallons of gas (including charging batts) each hour with his delivery cars, vans, trains, ships and planes so as to earn a living. Jeff is eventually going to have to ask himself, "Is there a way I can serve, and earn a living, that doesn't accelerate the destruction of the planet?

Last edited 5/5/23
xx School-age starting considerations
October 13, 2022, 01:09:28 AM by Kerry
Something to consider when enrolling your child in school.

Research has shown that a 5-year-old with 10-months of living as a five-year-old is considerably more "woke" than a child who just turned five.* However, both start school at "age five," and both unfairly compete with each other throughout life.

Adam Grant, during one of his mind-expanding podcasts, discussed with guest Malcolm Gladwell (an equally acknowledged intellect), the significant performance differences (K-12) between any two five-year-old children born the same year, one born January first, the other born, later in the year, say October 31.

The conclusion? Ideally, wait until your child has seven or more months of being a five-year-old so that their "street" smarts (their intellectual and emotional intelligence) is at least as high as 50% of their classmates.  And, they won't have to compete, K through 12, with children 7 months smarter.

It's understood that most parents who read this will not/cannot wait, often child-care/budgets are determining factors, it's posted here for parent's intent on preparing their child for college.

* Months-older children are slightly** better coordinated and often appear (even to other five-year-old's) to be slightly more mature; they are often chosen first for games. You and I forget how perceptive we were at age five, we just wouldn't play with "those kids."

** Research has shown that Talent Scouts for various professional sports usually end up choosing older five-year-olds because those children are better coordinated than the younger 5-year-olds. For example: Of a group of five-year-olds trying out for any sport, 80% of those selected for future training have been five-years-old for more than 7 months. [per a study of all (yes all) Canadian hockey teams].

Last edited 5/8/24
xx Cell phone reception--H'wn Beaches/Shores
June 13, 2022, 01:10:34 AM by Kerry
    As of 6/16/22:

    List of Hawaiian Beaches/Shores streets on which some residents can consistently make/receive cell phone calls from inside their house.

    Spectrum Mobil:
    • N. Oopu St.




    Republic Wireless:

    Note: 10+ years ago I started with T-Mobile and later switched to Republic Wireless. For years, with both services, I had to go outside to make a cell phone call. Republic Wireless just switched to using T-Mobile's towers. Both T-Mobile and RW have had spotty reception along Kahakai Blvd. I've had consistent support-ticket problems using RW so I just switched to Spectrum Mobile. I can now receive and make 4G calls from inside my house and at Kahakai Beach Park.

    Big Island Forum Registration is free: Click "Reply" and I'll add your street to one of the above lists.

    For example: S. Oopu St. (Hawaiian Shores) N. Oopu St. (Hawaiian Beaches).[/list]

    Update: 10/30/23 I looked into getting Starlink but discovered it has dropouts during heavy rains as with Dish, and, a biggie for me, no way to talk with them, everything is done via email.
    xx Thoughts about trend of suicides and shootings
    June 07, 2022, 01:18:06 AM by Kerry
    Many "shooters" kill themselves after the carnage, some goad cops into killing them--sometimes pretending to reach for a gun (referred to as "suicide by cop"). That's a lot of angry, sad, hurt people trying to communicate something that doesn't get gotten. They reveal that what's being taught about communication doesn't work at home or, from their perspective, in the world.

    Here's a suicide note I'd like to read:

    "Obviously, I've been angry for a long time. It began right after my father . . . when he . . . later reinforced when my mother rewarded (enabled) him in continuing to hit me (for reasons) so that she could have someone take care of her. Yah, I know. That's a blaming make-wrong statement. Guess which teachers, parents, and clergy taught me to communicate this way?
    • Guess who has had to put up with parents who daily yell and blame each other?
    • Guess which "loving" relatives knew my parents were abusive and non-verbally enabled them?
    • Guess which of my teachers couldn't see that I was having problems at home, or could see, but were not trained how to handle non-verbal upsets?
    • Guess which parent couldn't tell that I was dragging around guilt for my belief, that I was causing them to yell and argue all the time?
    • Guess whose parents deceived me, who led me to believe they had always been better behaved than me, that I was different and bad?
    • Guess which grandparents taught their child to abuse and to be abused.
    • Guess who never heard either parent acknowledge their abuse to each other or me (for submitting me to have to listen to such abuse) after an incident?
    • Guess which adults presented beliefs as truths? I.e. God, hell, and, who's causing the present war.
    • Guess which adults non-verbally empowered President Trump's "thousands" of documented lies, that even high school teens could see?
    • Guess how many overweight teachers prove that what's being "taught" about health and nutrition doesn't work?
    • Guess how many schools don't insist that teachers demonstrate mastery of health as proof of the validity of the school's curriculum? Instead, teachers non-verbally communicate, "Do as I say," because I can't follow my own advice.
    You adults have proven conclusively that it's hopeless. You expect us to live with the mess you've created that only gets worse day by day. Nothing we say or do has worked. If intelligent educated adults can't make it work how could I?"

    Last edited 1/30/24

    Complimentary readings:

    Teen shooters, a communication
    Open letter to Sue Klebold (Columbine parent)
    xx Withholds--Worse than Mold
    March 26, 2022, 04:52:45 AM by Kerry
    The vast majority of family households are infested with a debilitating (unhealthy) addiction to withholding significant thoughts from each other.

    Like mold spores, each significant thought withheld from someone significant has an effect.  A household is either happy or it has become infected with deceitful vibrations that cause unhappiness leading to even more breakdowns in communication, to a blaming divorce.

    "significant" A thought is considered significant if sharing it verbally would cause upset or anger. Fleeting non-reoccurring thoughts are not significant. Recall the things you hid from your parents; if you have not cleaned up (acknowledged all of life's perpetrations), then you are presently training your child to deceive you as your parents taught you. They will predictably con a date into deceiving both sets of parents so as to have their first sex.

    The word "verbally" is a reminder: All withholds are being communicated non-verbally. Your partner doesn't know what's wrong, only that it's been a long time since they have experienced the experience of love.

    All, yes all, divorced couples withheld a significant thought from each other on their first date. Both brought their addictions to withholding and blaming into the relationship so as to reveal and complete the addictions. With 44+ years of 3-hour consultations, I have not found a single exception to this phenomenon. -Kerry

    It's impossible for only one partner to have withholds; both are withholding the same number of thoughts from each other-again, no exceptions.

    Last edited 5/31/24
    xx About teen suicides
    March 13, 2022, 02:15:34 AM by Kerry
    Our attention is being directed away from the blaming Me2 interactions towards the increasing trend of teen suicides.

    Many "woke" teens are letting us know that the way we communicate (our imitation of communication) drives one "crazy;" it not only doesn't make sense, it doesn't produce happiness.  This realization sinks for a child when, "... immediately after most interactions with me, they fight again." Thinks a teen: "They say it's not me but the results of my communications (how I just be) prove otherwise."

    Each and every teen who opted to kill themselves, (yes each and every, zero exceptions) mirrored their parent's addiction to deception, to withholding significant thoughts from each other, as such, the child becomes equally bound up, deceitful, and angry.
    • "woke" as in, they can see things adults can't, specifically, the hypocritical behaviors, (overweight, connable, health-nutrition teachers) the out-integrities of both parents.
    It's virtually impossible for an intelligent being to respect anyone who non-verbally supports our hypocrisies and unethical behaviors. Teens discover that parents, and most everyone else, communicate beliefs as truths, (I.e. God, Santa, diets, campaign contributions, the unenforced stated "separation of state and religion"). Adults forget how super-sensitive they used to be to their parent's vibrations.

    Thinks a child, "If I can't inspire my parents to treat each other lovingly then there must be something wrong with me; no matter how hard I try I can't recreate the experience of love with my creators."1

    Suicide is the ultimate make-wrong, more so if one doesn't leave a note. If no note, then everyone the child knew would believe that it was because of them and their leadership-communication skills; that they somehow or other unconsciously "drove" another to suicide. The teen's implied non-verbal communication being, "I couldn't find a single person/reason worth living for, not one."2

    Teens unconsciously search for an adult who communicates openly, honestly, and spontaneously; like Demosthenes, they search for a truthful person and find none. Few adults live an ethical-admirable loving life so there are few if any, exemplary models for teens.

    Teens also unconsciously search for someone they can respect, someone they can't con,3 someone who can hear their lies. They discover that parents and most "teachers" are very easy to con. Many "learn" that they can attend classes without applying themselves.

    The majority of parents are deceiving each other. Both are withholding an equal number of thoughts from each other (yes, both and equal). Both brought their addictions to withholding and blaming into the relationship. Both withheld a significant thought from each other on their very first date. The space, the very atmosphere, of such a house is heavy, clouded, not happy; it's unhealthy. Such parents honestly believe they are in-communication with their teen.4

    It's abusive to submit a child to a (virtual or physical) hug-less household for more the 24 hours in a row. It's abusive of parents to verbally abuse each other without verbally acknowledging each and every abuse in front of their child. "I get that what I just said to your father didn't feel good."

    1 "creators" We expect children to want to live with the mess we've created. Few of us are committed to aliveness, almost every adult is addicted to one or more less-than-healthy behaviors. We just can't seem to operate daily as we've been "taught."

    2 "drove" The vast majority of parents honestly believe they are in-communication with their child, yet each parent of a misbehaving-failing child, can remember all the deceits and thoughts they hid from their own parents for fear of . . .? Most parents are still dragging around life's unacknowledged perpetrations into each present-day interaction, deceiving someone significant, all oblivious of the consequences of a single unacknowledged perpetration. "Unacknowledged" meaning a perpetration that has not been admitted to someone, ideally, the person to whom one abused/deceived/lied.

    3 "con" Most of us still have poor penmanship, a consequence of conning our penmanship "teacher." When a student has a penmanship teacher one has legible penmanship--for life.

    4 Supportive reading about the Columbine shooting, a different kind of suicide.

    All guilt can be disappeared via responsible communication; all guilt persists via talking. Speech-Communication Professors worldwide teach education and health-care majors (future therapists) to talk. The subject of responsibility can't be taught in public schools because most "teachers" are addicted to deceiving, to withholding one or more significant thoughts from someone in their own family. A teacher models open, honest, and spontaneous communication, zero withholds in their personal relationships.

    See Clearing Process for a Parent and a Young Person/Teen --it's free and it works.

    The Suicide Hotline Story

    Last edited 8/19/23
    xx Slavery, etc. Compensations
    February 16, 2021, 04:58:06 AM by Kerry
    The word compensation is being mentioned by newly elected President Biden; presently it refers to various compensations to present-day African Americans due to slavery issues.

    1/2/22  Edit: Was being mentioned; since the election, I have not heard anything.

    "Compensation" usually refers to "victims" expecting/deserving something of value from the "winners" to cover losses of life and property through conning, murdering, kidnapping (slavery), abuse, theft, or war.

    "Talking" about compensation produces more of the same blaming frictions whereas responsible (from cause) "communication" produces supportive compassion and completion.

    This post is about fast-forwarding through conversations about compensation, through the usual victimhood and Me2 blaming rhetoric, to responsible communication, one's cause (minus blame) for an outcome. ***

    Some examples:
    • African Americans' losses due to slavery and theft of property awarded freed slaves.
    • Native Hawaiian losses due to American military, businessmen and clergy from Boston stealing their property.
    • Pilgrims-visitors to No. America staking-claiming possession of property used by American Indian tribes.
    Different leaders* representing each of these groups have in mind something (a document, financial consideration, or a property) that would feel good to the majority of their group.

    And so we ask, what's the source of this resistance to us being responsible for what our ancestors did to others? Follow the money is advised. Who would lose big time?

    Evolution-wise we are confronting communication mastery; specifically, accepting responsibility for the less-than mutually satisfying results of our verbal, non-verbal, psychic, and physical communications. To do so, we must be willing to acknowledge our addictions—to abusing and to being abused and to blaming; how we, using our leadership-communication skills, unconsciously set up another (others) to abuse and thwart us and then blame and punish them.**

    What a communication mastery curriculum looks like is conversations that address one's cause for an outcome. You can tell where you are in the curriculum. Are you addicted to deceiving—to withholding one or more significant thoughts from someone of significance? Do you non-verbally support infidelity within your sphere of influence? If so, then you have a misunderstanding about responsibility. Your present leadership communication model, how you communicate, produces breakdowns in communication.

    Note: It could be said that there was a brilliant unconscious intention of the Hawaiians to transition from warring each other into peaceful communities, and, that they unconsciously conned Westerners into conning them. Read: Shoal of Time. Conversely, it could be said that we Westerners brought Hawaiians into our lives so as to acknowledge and complete our addiction to controlling/possessing (manifest destiny).   

    * "leaders" Every leader can, with coaching, recall what they did to cause the friction, the outcome, their loss. As with divorced couples, all leaders bring their addictions to withholding (deception) and to blaming into each interaction. Karma doesn't care if you don't believe in it. I.e. King Kamehameha was oblivious of the consequences of invading and killing other islanders (relatives and ancestors); "unifying" by invading as did Hitler with Poland. Seldom does one hear a Hawaiian (stuck as a blaming victim) acknowledge the appropriate karma of how they (albeit unconsciously) set up others to steal their lands. What must one do/not do, karmically, to deserve to have your reign come to an end?

    ** One can imagine Hawaiians laughing at the "unbelievable" deals they were making with a ship's Captain; an iron nail for 30 fish, a rowboat for a worthless valley. ". . . boy those haoles sure are stupid!" Note: I've not read any accounts of what was going on historically with the Hawaiians at the time that would karmically warrant such abuse. Who were they killing and stealing from? Who among them advised to not invade the Big Isle and the leadership arrogantly ignored such counsel?

    *** Examples of responsible communications:

    President Biden: We conned you out of your land. Please let us know what you need to hear from us to complete this matter.

    Representative of the Hawaiian community: We conned you Americans. You were easily manipulated. We have blamed you for our greed, swapping material items for land, leadership positions, etc. Note: Present-day Hawaiian elders are divided as to desired results, most are stuck in blame: "They did it to us." As opposed to, "We conned them and lost."

    Last edited 5/24/24
    xx Thoughts about non-profit organizations
    January 06, 2021, 03:05:38 AM by Kerry
    For this post we say there are two types of non-profit organizations.
    • An organization in which the CEO and some staff receive money that serves as their primary source of income, often referred to as a for-profit non-profit organization.
    • An organization in which all concerned are volunteers, no one receives remuneration; this is referred to here as an actual non-profit. The CEO has another full-time job or they have retirement income.
    With the for-profit non-profit organization, the founder needed income and so they created a way of generating personal income, serving the community, without having to pay taxes.

    Many are skeptical of "non-profits," in part because we know the CEO is living at a higher standard of living than most teachers and most of its donor/participants. I.e. Most clergy receive tithings from parishioners, a percentage of it from parishioners themselves on welfare. All know that if asked, few would say that it's Ok to give away welfare money. No parishioner receiving welfare has asked a neighbor, "Can I give money you gave me to survive with to a church?

    Most For-profit non-profit CEOs earn more than teachers, their mentors, those who taught them how to earn a living; none are motivated to bring along their mentors. The subject of acknowledgment has not been effectively taught.

    Examples of salaries:

    Chief: Red Cross: $500,000.00 annually
    CEO: UNICEF: $1,200,000.00 annually
    CEO: Planned Parenthood: $345,338.00
    CEO: Shriners Hospital: $1.500.000.00 per year while their nurses receive approx. $66,560.00 and the yearly budget for ads is about $27 million. Its 500+ doctors receive above-average incomes for doctors.

    Compared with:

    Superintendent Hawaii Public Schools: $170,391.00
    Hawaii Public School Principal: $113,978.00
    CEO of Hawaii Public Radio: $150,000.00

    An exemplary model of an "actual" nonprofit org is the Salvation Army whose Commissioner receives $13,000.00 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization; about $0.93 per donation dollar goes back out to local charity causes.

    It's no surprise that the majority of CEOs are male.

    For-profit non-profit CEOs receive thrice+ the wages of their mentors. No CEO strives to bring along those who taught them. All CEOs non-verbally support educators begging for operating funds and salaries, this instead of ensuring a teacher's wage more nearly approximates the wages of former C students such as longshoremen, this philosophy has undesirable consequences for everyone. 

    Many clerics send proselytizing money to other countries knowing there are hungry and homeless neighbors in their own communities. Such long-distance generosity doesn't speak well for the effects the church is having in its own community. All churches have square footage that is unused most every evening, while the homeless sleep on the ground just blocks away. Flight stewards advise putting on your oxygen mask first before trying to help another.

    We know that such for-profit non-profit orgs could deliver their services for free because thousands of actual non-profit organizations do it. For them, salaries are not an operating expense.

    Last edited 3/12/24
    xx Biden vs Trump--Lying
    October 19, 2020, 03:03:37 AM by Kerry
      "I've done more for our military than any president." --Former President Trump

      "Trump lies all the time."  --President Joe Biden.

      It's not that either candidate lies, we all do, they perfectly mirror us. It's that both have told so many lies that neither can hear themselves lie when they do; in coaching lingo, it's referred to as being unconscious. I've yet to hear either, in real-time, or later, acknowledge to us, "I get that I lied earlier when I said...." Or, if Joe were conscious, in real-time, "Oops, that's not true. He doesn't lie all the time."

      What's worse, all their advisors-running mates lie and support lying as much; none are aware of the consequences of a single lie. None have been effective* in supporting either candidate in publicly acknowledging their lies, inaccuracies, and embellishments; all compromise their integrity so as to have a job and to win.

      They all mirror our individual integrities and the collective integrity of the nation, and, we all non-verbally support their lying.

      Just as we pay ourselves back for our perpetrations (lies, abuses, thefts, deceits) so too are we reaping the consequences of supporting our unconscious "leaders." ** The premise: All communications, (verbal, nonverbal, physical and psychic) have an effect.

      *Advisor or Candidate Harris to Joe Biden: "Mr. Biden, Trump doesn't 'lie all the time;' some "woke" voters will think you're no better than him and not vote for you. If we lose we won't know for sure if it's about you enrolling the nation to teach you to tell the truth.

      Mr. Biden to advisor: Respected-advisor-friend, everyone lies white lies. Don't worry.

        With these examples we see Mr. Biden compounding the consequences of his lie by arrogantly invalidating-ignoring his supporter and justifying deception. Thousands of supporters have tried (myself included) to communicate with Mr. Biden only to be ignored and invalidated, same as with Hillary.

        ** Not to worry. This is all part of the Leadership Training curriculum. Mastery begins with intending what's so to be so. Although we might not be able to see that we are intending this, eventually we'll see that it's necessary.

        Note: Joe Biden has yet to acknowledge his inappropriate touching and feeling women without their verbal permission. He still rationalizes and justifies his behavior. He invalidates the women who gave him feedback. None have heard from him that he knows that his behavior was both sexist and inappropriate. Employers nationwide know that if they were to do the same with any employee that they could be sued. Joe knows the behavior was sexist because he does not fondle, stroke, or smell the hair of men.

        P.S. This post has been forwarded to Mr. Biden. No reply.

        Biden calling the kettle black

        Update: 3/30/22 I've noticed that President Biden is being less spontaneous which effectively minimizes his unconscious lies. It speaks well of his coaches. 

        Update: 2/16/23 As expected, Biden's unacknowledged perpetrations are appearing in the form of being caught for irresponsible handling classified documents. A spouse who operates with and from integrity would not have married him. Jill: "No dishonest stuff or I'll divorce you, with no second chance, got that?" Between honest people it's a communication that gets communicated non-verbally.

        Last edited 2/16/23
        xx Teen-dating Escrow Fund
        October 01, 2020, 06:33:49 AM by Kerry
        I propose that teens about to date have a part time job so as to begin creating their Dating Escrow Fund.

        The Dating Escrow Fund is a special savings account to be used by dating couples in case they accidentally create a pregnancy. The fund will cover the birthing costs.

        The fund automatically creates a context of responsibility.
        The fund introduces teens to the subject of intention.
        The fund eliminates the "I didn't know" and, "It was an accident" excuses.
        The fund makes dating teens aware of how much a baby costs.
        The fund precludes teens from unconsciously planning to have the community pay for an accidental pregnancy."
        The fund supports girls in being able to insist upon Dutch Treat with their dates.

        See also Lending or Borrowing--a possible set up?

        Last edited 3/24/24
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