Author Topic: Priests, Nuns, "good" Germans, awarded-teachers, leadership-communication skills  (Read 2663 times)


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Priests, Nuns, "good Germans," "awarded-teachers," and leadership-communication skills.

Here's an off-the-wall, possibly upsetting, topic:

To this very day--

--most Nuns say they didn't know that Priests were seducing boys. Imagine how unconscious one must be to not notice the confusion, guilt, shame, and fear on a boy's face?

--during interviews most "good" Germans still say they didn't know what was going on in their estimated 1,000+ concentration camps.

--most of us "good" Americans sleep nights pretending to not know that 1000+ children were separated from a parent at the Mexican border, and as of 3/12/24, it's now difficult to find out how many children are still separated.

--most "good" teachers, (especially the ones awarded "best" teacher), using their leadership-communication skills, non-verbally submit students to a fellow teacher known to be ineffective, to teach for another 24-hours. A school with just one leader has no ineffective teachers.

The above suggests that most "good" people are both unconscious and ineffective when it comes to inspiring others to be open and honest. My experience has been that "good," "nice," "polite" people can't be trusted to tell the truth, to communicate spontaneously; they withhold their judgments, they communicate their judgments non-verbally, thereby causing more of the same.

If the above triggered upset or anger then you, the reader, are an enabler, you are withholding one or more significant* thoughts from someone of significance and, you are causing someone of significance to withhold an equal number of significant thoughts from you. With 44+ years of 3-hour consultations I have not found any exceptions to this entanglement phenomenon. --Kerry

* "significant" A thought that if verbalized would cause upset, or anger. The word "verbalized" is a reminder that all withholds are being communicated non-verbally. The other doesn't know what's in the space only, that something (the experience of joyous love that comes from being in open and honest communication) is missing.

Last edited 4/27/24


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