Reading Comprehension Barrier

Quick Fix:

Log onto The [free] Clearing Process and post every thought that comes to mind as to what your comprehension problem might be about. The more honest you are the more space you will create for communication to take place. The clearer your mind will be. Whatever thought comes out of your mind, that's been one of the barriers. A person who is whole and complete (in communication jargon we call this condition "in integrity") has no thoughts come up when asked, "What might one of your barriers to reading comprehension be about?" Such a person lives from being acknowledged.

Especially important: Post all unacknowledged perpetrations (things you have done that you feel bad about having done) for which you have yet to be acknowledged (caught). This includes all the lies, deception, thefts and abusive communications to include what has been done to you.

Also important: Post those thoughts you are withholding from your parents, teachers and friends—thoughts you have not shared for various reasons—these occupy space and sap energy.

Permanent Fix


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